Friday, January 31, 2014


I've always wanted to make a list of things that I should be thankful for. I also read somewhere that it's good for the soul to write it down daily. I guess being a Chinese New Year, might as well start now:

1. Good health - I'm not technically the pinkest of health but I'm better off compared to those who are struggling with a debilitating illness. I can still walk, my senses are still working and any pain that I feel are tolerable (brought about by old age probably).

2. I have a husband who loves me and an adorable and healthy son - Just when I was resigned to living life as a single person, my husband came along and persuaded me to marry him. A year later, we were blessed with a really cute son. We celebrated our 6th anniversary last year and hoping for more years together.

3. I am gainfully employed - We all have gripes about our jobs. I haven't met a person who is totally 100% happy with his or her job. But taking all those minor things aside, I'm ok with what I do. Not really really happy because a lot of things happened lately that is beginning to take large withdrawals from my happiness bank. But nevertheless, I am still earning--not enough to sustain the bills--but at least I'm getting something.

4. I get to teach - I never intended to teach but the opportunity came and I grabbed it. It was a struggle at first but I was able to find my footing and hopefully, am able to inspire my students into being good managers and leaders in the future.

5. I can drive - Driving is now a life skill that everyone has to learn. Well, if you live in a country that has an efficient public transportation, the need is not immediate but nevertheless, it's a good skill to have in one's arsenal. You'll never know when you would need to drive an emergency vehicle.

That's it for now. I still have lots but I will try to count them everyday.

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