Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Morning Walk

It's Day 12 of my morning walk. 

Lately, I've been stopping more often and took pictures of anything that caught my interest. Of course, I ensure that the pictures that I take are of public places and not to make it look like I'm taking a picture of another person's house. There are times that the flowers are too nice to miss so I ensure I frame out the house. 

The picture on the left was taken at 5:57AM. This is St. James the Great Parish church. This was also where my husband and I got married almost 14 years ago. I wish I took a better picture but I was after the sunrise and I was not even sure how to fix the camera settings. I would think that this turned out okay. 

I was walking pretty slow today. My average heart rate barely reached 120bpm and I felt like I was dragging my feet. There were times that I would want to just sit in front of one of the grottos and just space out.  

I should take a vacation before the actual audit comes. I need to get my head on straight. I know I can do this. I have to do this. Deep breaths. I can do this.  

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