Thursday, October 07, 2004

Lost and Found

Funny how the internet works. Not only do you find things that you need, but you also get to find long lost people (or they find you). Let's just say a person who used to be part of my life (extended family life that is) found me and we exchanged pleasantries and updated ourselves with regards to our respective lives. I'm glad he's doing well and from the looks of it, happy with his life. I wish him well.

I discovered It's a link which you can place in your blog that will reflect your current mood. It features different moods and being the moody person that I am, I get to relate. I think it's only applicable to females though. Maybe there are male versions.

Caught the last full show of Farenheit 9/11 last Tuesday night at Rockwell. Leo was adamant that we watch it before they take it out of the cinemas. The film won best picture at the Cannes Filmfest. Let's just say that you'll begin leaning towards becoming a Democrat after watching that film. There were a lot of conspiracies presented and somehow, it doesn't sound something new to me. We have lots of that here in my country.

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