Tuesday, March 30, 2021

ECQ Part Deux

ECQ Season 2 was once again declared by the government and started yesterday. The past year has been mentally, physically, emotionally and financially exhausting. It seems that there's no silver lining in this hellhole that everyone had to wallow in for the past 12 months. 

When the lockdown started last year, we thought that it'd only last until the end of the year and everything will be back to normal soon. When my boss said that it'll probably take a couple of years at least, I was in disbelief. In hindsight, he might be right.

It's hard to look at the positive side of this when the bad news seem to outweigh the good news. When we see how other countries are beating the virus down, it's so disheartening to see how we fare. Granted that it's unfair to compare but I can only shake my head when the basics were not even done right. #masstesting #contacttracing

I know I have no right to preach when my family and I are comfortably ensconced in our own bubble. But I can still empathize and sympathize. Though I have long given up on this government, I can still lend my voice when needed. 

I'll be reaching my golden years soon and looking back at the past 40 years, I still have to make sense of my purpose. Yes, I know the basics--being a mom, wife, sister, daughter, cousin, niece, boss, subordinate--all of these things. I know. But there is more to it. I know so. I hope so.

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