Saturday, July 20, 2024

Office Politics

My work is already brutal but what makes it worse is the people around me. 

An incident of monumental proportions happened at the office which was perpetuated by some people. I can't go into details but let's just say that I'm being brought into it when I had  no idea what they were doing. I was being implicated by an e-mail wherein the objective was not meant to support their nefarious activities and even if you read it, it had no indication of that. 

Even if the higher ups asked for an incident report, they already know who was responsible. I can't help but be amused when the people responsible were preparing the incident report was they kept on implicating me when in reality, they bypassed me for several months.  

I already had an idea what they were doing as they were mumbling and whispering in their cubicle over the incident report. I'm just blessed that the person who needs to submit that report refuses to believe the crap they wrote down and even messaged me about it. I'm blessed that I have other people around me who still have the right morals and even praised me for being so nice. 

I guess that would be my detriment. I'm still "nice" to the people who are backstabbing me. My thought is that I still have to do my work even if I hate them. I have to approach them and talk to them but nothing much I can do if they still choose to make me look like the bad guy. 

My other colleagues who are familiar with my responsibilities and what we do sympathize with me, especially my team. We shed blood and tears and render sleepless nights in order to deliver the things that they need yet vilify us and won't take responsibility for their actions.

That's another thing that pisses me off. 

I love my job and what I do. For the first time in my career, I might resign because I can't take the people that I work with. I'm only staying because I still believe in my boss and his leadership and that he needs me more than ever. But I know at some point, I have to take care of my mental health and I will definitely cross the bridge when I get there. 

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