Monday, July 17, 2006

Six Months

It's been six months since I started my diet and exercise program. People have already noted how much weight I've lost. I think I've lost 20 lbs total so I have 30 more to go. I was surprised when I visited the gym this Monday to do an assessment with my trainer. It seems that I lost 5 lbs last month although my fat percentage remains the same. I don't mind though. At least am losing the lbs.

I bought a new pair of blouse and pants last month. I need more than a pair to supplement my shrinking wardrobe. I also need to buy a new pair of jeans. Now that jeans are part of our wardrobe, I can charge it versus my clothing allowance although at last count, I've exceeded the allowable disbursed amount. Oh well.

I have 11 months to go before my deadline. I hope I meet it.

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