Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A Very Special Love vs For The First Time

This review is very much delayed as both movies were shown August 2008 only weeks after the other. I've wanted to watch both movies for the longest time but only managed to watch them (through DVD) yesterday. Reviews have been made and most of them say that Sarah-John Lloyd's movie is better than KC-Richard's. But I don't trust reviews that much as my taste is different. I gave both movies the benefit of the doubt until I watch them.

I watched "For The First Time" (FTFT) first as I wanted to see if Richard Guttierrez' and KC Concepcion's real-life chemistry translates well in the movie screen. What can I say? They DO look good together. Richard's handsome looks definitely complements KC's beauty and I have joined the rest of the showbiz world watchers who wants them to end up together as a real-life couple.

The "kilig" factor is also present--especially when they were cavorting around the island of Santorini. I also found their "fight" scene funny. It's seldom that I see Richard being beaten by a girl and being tied up in the end.

However the story leaves much to be desired. The ending S-U-C-K-S and I can only suspend my disbelief for only so long. It seems they don't know how to end the movie! I cringed when I saw KC's character declaring her love for Richard's character in front of his family. Aaargggh!!! And they had to dance in the end. Gah! KC also needs more acting lessons.

Nevertheless, this does not stop me from wanting to watch their second movie, "When I Met You". Hopefully the story is better.

"A Very Special Love" (AVSL) was very much recommended to me by my officemates. Even the most "sosy" one even watched it and liked it! True enough, it did not disappoint me.

Sarah Geronimo's acting is very natural and very believable. The love story can happen in the real world and can indeed invoke the "kilig" factor. Though in terms of looks factor, KC-Richard team is more beautiful but AVSL's story and acting made the film better and a box-office hit. Can't wait for their next movie.

Between the two, I like AVSL compared to FTFT. I want to watch it again!

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