My Personal Projects are actually New Year Resolutions but I don't call them that as it's so passe. Besides, "New Year Resolutions" sound so doubtful so I started calling them "Personal Projects".
So far, I've had a good accomplishment rate. Last 2010,I accomplished 6/10 and for 2011, it was 8/10. Hopefully this year, I can do better.
Before I list down my 2012 projects, here's a rundown of how my 2011 went:
2011 Personal Projects
1. DECLUTTER! - Started January last year and was moderately successful. I was able to throw away a LOT of stuff and sold my 500+ of my book collection (which is basically 3/4 of what I have).
2. Be more physically active (walk/cardio at least 3x/week)- I did this and was able to run my short term goal of 20 minutes. I had to stop though when I thought I was pregnant. I plan to get back on the treadmill by this month.
3.Cook/bake at least 1x/month - Was only able to do this for 2 months but stopped
4. Find a new hobby by end of Quarter 1 - Can teaching be considered a hobby? If it is, I missed my target by 3 quarters but I still managed to find one before the end of the year.
5. Be pregnant by Quarter 3 - I cried over this one. But I believe that God has other plans for us. Besides, we already have Basti. If he's meant to be an only child then we accept it with grace.
6. Meet with "old" friends at least 1x/month - Not once a month but at least I was able to meet with a LOT of old friends this year--especially this Christmas. I've lost track of how many reunions I've attended.
7. Try a new restaurant at least 1x/month - Not really that successful. My dinner-mate when on a "tipid" mode so there goes our restaurant tripping
8. Visit my mom and sister in the US by Q2 - highly successful. It was my most memorable and best vacation so far.
9. Celebrate Basti's second birthday party - We didn't actually have a party. We just ate out and celebrated his birthday privately.
10. Celebrate our fourth wedding anniversary - We just had dinner at Mona Lisa Restaurant here at Alabang.
And here's my 2012 Personal Project List:
1. Limit myself to one dessert/sugary snack per day
2. Run 20 minutes on the treadmill
3. Run my first 3K race
4. Limit myself to 1/2 rice per meal with no rice for dinner
5. Visit all my doctors for a check-up (OB-Gyne, Endo, Cardio, Optha)
6. Survive my first year of teaching
7. Celebrate Basti's 3rd birthday
8. Celebrate 5th wedding anniversary
9. Visit another city in the country
10. Visit another country in Asia