Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Assholes and Sons of Bitches

I haven't used those terms for quite some time now. But the words resurfaced in my vocabulary when a friend came sobbing to me over a current heartbreak. To make the long story short, the guy was/is an asshole. Although, it has been my belief that everyone is inherently good so I tried to understand where the asshole guy was coming from. Why did he treat my friend as callous as he did? What was his motivation? Did he had a traumatic past which enabled him to treat women that way? All these questions came rushing through my mind as I held my friend's electronic hand and let her cry on my ear (it was a mobile phone call). I felt her pain and her hurt since I've had my own share of assholes and sons of bitches. It's easy for me to tell her that things will be alright but I've been in her place and I know right now, her world is crumbling and she would not know how to go on. She visited me today and my heart bled when I saw her sad face and the shattered heart she shields. I was at a loss since I did not know what to tell her. I just let her talk and spoke only when she asked advice from me.

The sun is still shining and the world will go on turning. I know she is made of sterner stuff and I know she will survive this. It just pains me to know that a friend is suffering right now because of another person. I know she has to go through this in order to learn and to be a better person. The best thing I can do right now is to be a good friend.

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