Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Another Day

I had a rather difficult day at work today although nothing out of the ordinary. Usual end of the month stress and follow-ups. I can't wait to go on leave. I just feel very off. Maybe because my boss has been off as well. He's had a trying couple of weeks due to a recent audit. In fact, when I left at 8 pm, he was still in a meeting. He'll be going on leave during the holy week so that means I'm in charge again (God help me!). I'll be a wreck by the time he gets back.

Bright spot of the day was when I went to gym at lunch time. It feels good to burn all those calories, even if it was quite painful. First time I experienced cramps on my stomach (my PT made me to crunches. Huhu). Must be my abdominal muscles crying out underneath all that fat. Hah!

Am in school waiting for my SO. In the meantime, am doing my paper and downloading some financial statements from the BSP. I guess that's one advantage of being regulated, you have to submit your FS to them. At least it's easy to get the financials. Although when it's audit tim again, I might think otherwise.

Am pondering a change in career. I don't think I'm the operations kind of person. Our bosses wants us to think of ways to improve our process. There's nothing wrong with that, but my background has always been credit and it's difficult to merge the two without one sacrificing the other. Some say that I should compromise but there's one lesson that I learned in my organization behaviour classes that somehow stuck, instead of compromising, learn how to collaborate. That's going to take awhile.

My friends and I will be watching a musical called Zsazsa Zaturnnah. It's based on a comic book/graphic novel written by Carlo Vergara. It's about a gay person who's alter-ego superhero is a woman (ala-Darna!). The book is absolutely hilarious and from what I've heard, the musical is as funny as well. I'll post the details here for those who would wish to watch (or just drop me a note).

Monday, March 27, 2006

Potpourri of Thoughts


I've been working with my boss for the past 5 years. He was my seatmate and eventually became my supervisor and now he's our department manager. For the past five years, he has been one cool dude. However, this morning when we had our department meeting, it was the first time I saw him ALMOST get mad. It was really disconcerting and alarming and it somehow sent a message that he really means business. I hope my other colleagues got the message as well.



We're supposed to have an online class today. In fact, am doing this post at school where my classmates and I converged in a yahoo chatroom. It was fun but unfortunately, our professor was not present! So much for having class. In the past 3 months, our class only met four times! As my classmates said, this class reminded them of Iskul Bukol (cue music here).



Am very excited with my workout. I got a personal trainer package at FF+ and our session starts tomorrow. She's encouraging me to carbo-load before we work out but I haven't touched rice and pasta for the past 3 months now. I don't want to break my stride and it's definitely working. I like my trainer even if I feel that she's killing me everytime I do the workout. She reminds me everytime to tuck my stomach in (and chest out) everytime I do my sets. By doing that while working out, it's like doing sit-ups! Multi-tasking! And best of all, she helps me cool down after a session.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Hodge Podge

Am doing this post using dial-up. I should learn how to do that RSS feed thingee so I can send my posts from my email. Maybe next week when I do my internet at SO's house. Their wireless DSL internet really rocks! I have no patience anymore for dial-up (sigh).

My stretchmarks are itching like hell. I should go back to my derma soon as well as my OB. Maybe after the easter break.

Speaking of easter break, we still don't have anywhere to go during the holy week. It will be my nephew's baptism on April 8 (a day after SO's birthday) and SO's a godfather. It's his 3rd time to be a godfather and all his godchildren are boys. Guess Leo and I will be spending it together, either with my family or his.

My nephew and niece are both growing up fine. Chloe is almost a year old already and she's grown to be quite a cute baby. Miguel is already two months old and according to my sisters, he looks (and weighs) like a four month old baby.

Work has been...well, hard to describe as we just finished audit. Maybe someday I can talk about it more.

Anyway, am really sleepy now. I should try to write posts more often even if I don't get to post them asap. At least I get to organize my thoughts. Right now, my thoughts are so scattered. I haven't read my friends' blogs for quite a long time.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Set One

I mentioned previously that I joined a gym last week to help tone my body. Together with that decision is to get a personal trainer. It makes much of a difference as I tend to slack off if there's no one checking how many sets I've done. Good thing is that she keeps on pushing me until I gasp for breath. After all the stretching and pushing, she helps me cool down which is the best part of it since I don't feel any pain afterwards. The wonders of stretching before and after weight training.

Anyway, am in school right now. We're supposed to have an online class but our professor, who's currently out of the country, could not find a decent internet connection. It's incredibly frustrating as we had high expectations of this class but we've only met four times in the past 2 and a half months. It's really disappointing as we had this professor last term and he does not teach like this.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Summer Holiday

Am doing this post at SO's house where they have wireless internet. My cousin installed the wireless card in my PC. Now if I can just have the battery fixed then I'll be ok.

Anyway, summer is definitely here. Since school is not yet over for us, Leo and I have to save our weekends to finish our papers. We'll be free by April 7 (his birthday). I don't know yet what to give him on his birthday so any suggestions will help. Am thinking of taking him to Villa Escudero but I don't know yet. What should I give him this year? Hmmm...

Leo and I celebrated our 2nd anniversary last Feb. 28. It was pretty low key. I gave him a new Fossil watch and he gave me a Charriol bracelet. Last March 4, we attended the wedding of a common friend here at Alabang. I managed to fit into this dress that my mom sent me a couple of years before. It feels really good to fit into clothes I could not fit into before. Oh yeah, with regards to my weight loss program, I've lost 20 lbs already. Yeah! I've joined a gym so I can start toning my body. The weight loss made my body sag a bit and it's not a pretty sight. Maybe in a year I can get the courage to wear a bikini. Hah! The last time I wore one was when I was 4 years old. It was a pink one at that.

Lots of places that I want to visit this summer. Leo and I have set aside the 3rd week of May for our vacation. I still don't know where we're going but I'm sure it'll be fun.

That's all for now. It's been too long since I've posted and I've forgotten what I wanted to write down. Moreover when I'm on a timeframe. Maybe next time I can post something more informative.

Till next time...whenever that may be.