Sunday, November 02, 2003


My body gave out last Monday from all the traveling that I’ve been doing the past three weekends. I love traveling but I forgot to rest and recharge.

Speaking of travel, I have a classmate who’s going to Switzerland this week. He works for the World Scout Organization and his job takes him out of the country three or four times a year (even more). I looked at his passport and he’s been to almost everywhere! That’s the kind of job that I would like but I know I won’t be saying the same thing years from now.

The TV’s on and I’m watching my namesake (the one who married Cesar Montano) sing with a couple of guys. She’s wearing this really sexy white shirt that’s blatantly showing her bellybutton. Yup, she just gave birth a year ago and she is prancing around with the same body God bestowed on her years before she had a family.

My family and I had a blast bonding yesterday. My dad discovered the e-mode site and we spent the whole afternoon answering different IQ and personality tests. It just proved things that we’ve always known e.g. my twin and I are opposites, my other sister and I share the same IQ and that I will excel in a career that requires me to solve problems—that sort of thing. It was still fun nevertheless. It’s interesting to note that the test revealed that my dad has an IQ of 170 (superior). I know that he’s well read (he steals my magazines and comic books) but I never learned of his IQ until yesterday. I should not be surprised though. We do come from a family of geniuses and creative people. My grandfather used to run his own advertising agency back in the 60’s before he closed down and went into the lending business and is now writing his own biography. I also have a cousin who’s a certified genius. She topped their SAT in the US well that’s the last I heard about her since my uncle and their mom divorced four or five years ago. There’s also another cousin who’s in the US who won their academic decathlon a few years back. And then there’s me.

No, I am not and definitely no way a genius even if my whole family perceives me that way. Heck, my GPA when I was in college is no way impressive. That taught me though that we have our own impressions of what a genius is. If my family thinks that being a genius involves reading as voraciously as I do manifesting it in the way I answer questions for them, then I guess I’m a genius. But for me, genius means graduating magna cum laude/valedictorian or scoring high in IQ or any other intelligence related exam.

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