Wednesday, September 08, 2004



I'm muscle tired again.

Rather than let the dirty clothes pile up until Saturday, we did the laundry today. It took us more than two hours just to finish three days worth of dirty clothes worn by 7 people. I feel more tired than the 30 minute walking/jogging that I did yesterday. Come to think of it, this may be the daily exercise that I need. However, I was able to do this since we're in the middle of term break. Once school starts, I don't know how much I'll be able to contribute to household chores.

Speaking of school, I got my grades for my subjects last term. I got a 3.5 for my law subject and a 3.0 for my economics subject. Not bad. Was hoping to make it to the Dean's List again this term, but well, maybe next term.


I feel like a squatter at work today. I had no permanent workstation and it affected my positive outlook and productivity. I had to change workstation three times. I'll never survive like this until the end of the year. My vacation is so far off!

Speaking of vacation, I'm taking almost a month off starting December 16, 2004 and will return to work on January 10, 2005. This is in lieu of my brother and sister's wedding on December 28 and January 5 respectively. If my parents/siblings had it their way, they will have it both in December. However, due to the different beliefs and old wives tales, they had to reschedule it on different years.

This would also mean that my wedding (if ever there's going to be one) won't happen until 2006!

Oh well, as an old friend would say, "Good things comes to those who wait."

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