Friday, November 28, 2008

Baby Kicks

By next week, I'll be on my 8th month already. It means that in less than 8 weeks, I'll be giving birth! I'm excited and anxious as the same time.

Since this Monday, the baby has been moving and kicking a lot. Yesterday while I was taking a nap, I woke up after the baby gave a very hard kick. No amount of begging or pleading would make him rest. I shouldn't complain though. The point that he's  moving a lot means he's ok. I can't help but feel very battered though. I feel very stretched already

I'm very thankful though that Leo has been taking very good care of me. He would immediately wake up or rush to my side everytime I would utter a surprised or painful cry. He's always ready to take me to the doctor or hospital everytime I complain of pain. He would give in to my whims whenever I would want something--as long as it's reasonable. During our birthing class, there was a question wherein the husbands were asked how they perceive their wives' pregnant bodies. Leo answered "fragile". I laughed at that. Never in my life have I been described as fragile until now.

The heartburn is getting worse as the baby starts pressing against my stomach making the stomach acid go up my esophagus. At least the hamstring/butt pains have eased. It was really so painful early this week as the baby must have been pressing against a nerve.

Though I'm anxious over the birthing process, I really can't wait for this pregnancy to be over.

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